Adam Warski

31 May 2012

Hibernate 4.1.4: Envers tests run&pass on multiple DBs


Envers is an entity auditing framework, making it possible to store and query for historical data.

The Hibernate 4.1.4 release may seem to be a minor one, but it’s pretty important for Envers. Thanks to a huge amount of work mainly by Łukasz Antoniak and Strong Liu, with substantial help from Steve Ebersole, Envers tests are now part of the matrix testsuite. Thanks guys! :)

That means the tests now run regularly (and importantly, as of now pass) on MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL, DB2, Sybase (and the usual H2) databases. The testsuite contains dozens of mapping scenarios, each trying to write some data in a couple of transactions and then checking that the history is properly written, using both the default and validity audit strategy.

Envers is bundled with JBoss AS 7, as well is part of the Hibernate distribution. For more information see the documentation.


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